Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I miss writing.

It's funny to me, now, how much steam I was able to let out just by writing a blog from the perspective of my amazing dog, Hogan.  With his passing, I lost so much.  Of course his physical being and larger than life attitude are the main things, as well as how he was always there for me and my family in the good times and the bad.  But I also had a wonderful time getting to know him over those 10 years and expressing what I truly thought he was thinking and feeling via his blog, Being Hogan .

I'll never claim to be the smartest, classiest, most creative or clever person you're going to meet.  I get angry, I curse, and I throw the occasional temper tantrum.  I also enjoy a wide variety of things in life, and a large one I now realize is writing.  Since losing Hogan, I've shared on various social media apps my feelings and thoughts.  Through those posts, I realized more people relate to me than I ever thought possible.  While an introvert at heart, I do love making genuine connections to others and helping whenever and however I can.

I have thoughts on most everything that happens in a day, and often stay up into the night trying to digest them.  I'm a newly married woman in her forties, a stepmom, a dog mom, a career girl at an amazing manufacturing company (G & M Mfg. Corp.), a volunteer with Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus, who is also running her own business in the fitness world (Feeling Fit and Busy).  I've survived some horrendous losses and painful relationships, and I've come out on the other side with a greater appreciation of life.  My grammar and spelling is generally pretty spot on, but sometimes in the passion of things it goes to hell.  I apologize in advance.  If there's anything you'd like to know or want me to chat about, please feel free to ask.

A LOT happens in a day, so buckle up and join me on the ride through all sorts of topics and adventures, won't you?



  1. Looking forward to your writing! woo hoo.

  2. Glad you're back. Always loved your....Hogan's, comments.

  3. Welcome back. You have a reader in me. I'll read anything, but I'm secretly hoping for some life-with-Dobes posts. ;)

    1. I'm sure that'll happen! It'll like be cloaked under a title along the lines of, oh, I don't know... "why the f*&# did I get a puppy", or "puppies are a-holes", so be on the lookout, haha!
